WE LOVE DOING HOME SHOWS AROUND THE VALLEY! We get to meet so many interesting people all over the energy-awareness spectrum.
One end of the spectrum is the people that are already doing all they can to save money and energy; that have everything from LEDs in every light to solar on their rooftops. These people appreciate what we do, and we can "talk shop" about making homes greener.
The other end of the spectrum are the people that have not delved into the green thing yet. These people are a true delight because we get to educate them on easy, cost-effective ways to be more green. We love seeing the look in their eyes when we talk about the benefits of sealing a duct system, or how their R-30 fiberglass batt insulation only has an effective R-4 value because it's not in contact with the air barrier.
Schmoozing with fellow greenies and getting the word out definitely makes for a inspiring weekend. Anytime anyone wants to get in on the conversation, just blog back, email us at greenerhousetoday@gmail.com, or give us a call at 480-213-3509. We are small, we are local, we are responsive and will answer!